Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

This error occurs when you use the st.streamlit_option_menu.option_menu() function without providing a unique key argument. The key argument is necessary to ensure that Streamlit can properly track and update the state of the widget.

To fix this error, simply add a key argument to the st.streamlit_option_menu.option_menu() function call. Here’s an example:

import streamlit as st

# Create a list of options
options = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]

# Add an option menu to the Streamlit app
selected_option = st.streamlit_option_menu.option_menu(
    "Select an option",

# Do something with the selected option
st.write("You selected:", selected_option)

In this code, the key argument is set to “my_unique_key”. You can replace this with any unique string that describes the purpose of the option menu in your app.

By adding a key argument to the st.streamlit_option_menu.option_menu() function call, you ensure that Streamlit can properly track and update the state of the widget.

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